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Version: 2.8.x(Latest)



Note that this feature is only effective for chaining operations.

The gdb module supports the automatic filling of creation, update, and deletion times for data records, improving development and maintenance efficiency. To facilitate unified maintenance of time field names and types, if using this feature, we have the following conventions:

  • The field type can be a time type, numeric integer, or boolean, such as: date, datetime, timestamp, int, uint, big int, bool, etc.
  • Field names can be customized, with default naming conventions being:
    • created_at is updated during record creation and is only written once.
    • updated_at is updated during record modification and is updated each time the record changes.
    • deleted_at is for the soft delete feature of the record and is only written once when the record is deleted. Field names are case-insensitive and ignore special characters, for example, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, DeletedAt are also supported.

Feature Configuration

Time field names can be customized in the configuration file, and the feature can be completely disabled on the database instance using the timeMaintainDisabled configuration.

Corresponding configuration items in the configuration file:

default: # Group name, customizable, default is "default"
createdAt: "created_at" # (Optional) Auto-create time field name
updatedAt: "updated_time" # (Optional) Auto-update time field name
deletedAt: "is_deleted" # (Optional) Soft delete time field name
timeMaintainDisabled: false # (Optional) Whether to completely disable the time update feature. If true, CreatedAt/UpdatedAt/DeletedAt will be ineffective

Especially for historical projects, where different time field names already exist, the time field names can be flexibly configured using configuration items.

For a complete database configuration, please refer to the ORM - Configuration section.

Feature Activation

When a data table contains any or multiple fields such as created_at, updated_at, deleted_at, or contains corresponding configuration fields in the configuration file, this feature is automatically enabled.


📄️ Time Fields - Intro

This article introduces the basic methods for managing database time fields using the GoFrame framework, including the mechanisms for writing and updating fields like created_at, updated_at, and deleted_at, and the impact of soft delete features on query and update operations. It also demonstrates methods for join queries and ignoring time features with Unscoped. Through these examples, you can effectively manage soft deletion and timestamps, ensuring the accuracy of database records.