


package main

import (


var (
	meter = gmetric.GetGlobalProvider().Meter(gmetric.MeterOption{
		Instrument:        "github.com/gogf/gf/example/metric/basic",
		InstrumentVersion: "v1.0",
	counter = meter.MustCounter(
			Help: "This is a simple demo for Counter usage",
			Unit: "bytes",

func main() {
	var (
		ctx    = gctx.New()
		reader = metric.NewManualReader()

	provider := otelmetric.MustProvider(otelmetric.WithReader(reader))
	defer provider.Shutdown(ctx)

	counter.Add(ctx, 10)

	var (
		rm  = metricdata.ResourceMetrics{}
		err = reader.Collect(ctx, &rm)
	if err != nil {
		g.Log().Fatal(ctx, err)



meter = gmetric.GetGlobalProvider().Meter(gmetric.MeterOption{
    Instrument:        "github.com/gogf/gf/example/metric/basic",
    InstrumentVersion: "v1.0",


// MeterOption holds the creation option for a Meter.
type MeterOption struct {
	// Instrument is the instrumentation name to bind this Metric to a global MeterProvider.
	// This is an optional configuration for a metric.
	Instrument string

	// InstrumentVersion is the instrumentation version to bind this Metric to a global MeterProvider.
	// This is an optional configuration for a metric.
	InstrumentVersion string

	// Attributes holds the constant key-value pair description metadata for all metrics of Meter.
	// This is an optional configuration for a meter.
	Attributes Attributes



// Meter hold the functions for kinds of Metric creating.
type Meter interface {
	// Counter creates and returns a new Counter.
	Counter(name string, option MetricOption) (Counter, error)

	// UpDownCounter creates and returns a new UpDownCounter.
	UpDownCounter(name string, option MetricOption) (UpDownCounter, error)

	// Histogram creates and returns a new Histogram.
	Histogram(name string, option MetricOption) (Histogram, error)

	// ObservableCounter creates and returns a new ObservableCounter.
	ObservableCounter(name string, option MetricOption) (ObservableCounter, error)

	// ObservableUpDownCounter creates and returns a new ObservableUpDownCounter.
	ObservableUpDownCounter(name string, option MetricOption) (ObservableUpDownCounter, error)

	// ObservableGauge creates and returns a new ObservableGauge.
	ObservableGauge(name string, option MetricOption) (ObservableGauge, error)

	// MustCounter creates and returns a new Counter.
	// It panics if any error occurs.
	MustCounter(name string, option MetricOption) Counter

	// MustUpDownCounter creates and returns a new UpDownCounter.
	// It panics if any error occurs.
	MustUpDownCounter(name string, option MetricOption) UpDownCounter

	// MustHistogram creates and returns a new Histogram.
	// It panics if any error occurs.
	MustHistogram(name string, option MetricOption) Histogram

	// MustObservableCounter creates and returns a new ObservableCounter.
	// It panics if any error occurs.
	MustObservableCounter(name string, option MetricOption) ObservableCounter

	// MustObservableUpDownCounter creates and returns a new ObservableUpDownCounter.
	// It panics if any error occurs.
	MustObservableUpDownCounter(name string, option MetricOption) ObservableUpDownCounter

	// MustObservableGauge creates and returns a new ObservableGauge.
	// It panics if any error occurs.
	MustObservableGauge(name string, option MetricOption) ObservableGauge

	// RegisterCallback registers callback on certain metrics.
	// A callback is bound to certain component and version, it is called when the associated metrics are read.
	// Multiple callbacks on the same component and version will be called by their registered sequence.
	RegisterCallback(callback Callback, canBeCallbackMetrics ...ObservableMetric) error

	// MustRegisterCallback performs as RegisterCallback, but it panics if any error occurs.
	MustRegisterCallback(callback Callback, canBeCallbackMetrics ...ObservableMetric)


// MetricOption holds the basic options for creating a metric.
type MetricOption struct {
	// Help provides information about this Histogram.
	// This is an optional configuration for a metric.
	Help string

	// Unit is the unit for metric value.
	// This is an optional configuration for a metric.
	Unit string

	// Attributes holds the constant key-value pair description metadata for this metric.
	// This is an optional configuration for a metric.
	Attributes Attributes

	// Buckets defines the buckets into which observations are counted.
	// For Histogram metric only.
	// A histogram metric uses default buckets if no explicit buckets configured.
	Buckets []float64

	// Callback function for metric, which is called when metric value changes.
	// For observable metric only.
	// If an observable metric has either Callback attribute nor global callback configured, it does nothing.
	Callback MetricCallback



provider := otelmetric.MustProvider(otelmetric.WithReader(reader))
defer provider.Shutdown(ctx)


我们在main函数中通过defer provider.ShutDown方法调用便于在程序结束时优雅结束指标管理对象,例如对象中的指标缓存及时输出到目标端。



// Counter is a Metric that represents a single numerical value that can ever
// goes up.
type Counter interface {

// CounterPerformer performs operations for Counter metric.
type CounterPerformer interface {
	// Inc increments the counter by 1. Use Add to increment it by arbitrary
	// non-negative values.
	Inc(ctx context.Context, option ...Option)

	// Add adds the given value to the counter. It panics if the value is < 0.
	Add(ctx context.Context, increment float64, option ...Option)


// Metric models a single sample value with its metadata being exported.
type Metric interface {
	// Info returns the basic information of a Metric.
	Info() MetricInfo

// MetricInfo exports information of the Metric.
type MetricInfo interface {
	Key() string                // Key returns the unique string key of the metric.
	Name() string               // Name returns the name of the metric.
	Help() string               // Help returns the help description of the metric.
	Unit() string               // Unit returns the unit name of the metric.
	Type() MetricType           // Type returns the type of the metric.
	Attributes() Attributes     // Attributes returns the constant attribute slice of the metric.
	Instrument() InstrumentInfo // InstrumentInfo returns the instrument info of the metric.

// InstrumentInfo exports the instrument information of a metric.
type InstrumentInfo interface {
	Name() string    // Name returns the instrument name of the metric.
	Version() string // Version returns the instrument version of the metric.



reader = metric.NewManualReader()


provider := otelmetric.MustProvider(otelmetric.WithReader(reader))


var (
	rm  = metricdata.ResourceMetrics{}
	err = reader.Collect(ctx, &rm)
if err != nil {
	g.Log().Fatal(ctx, err)


    "ScopeMetrics": [
            "Scope": {
                "Name": "github.com/gogf/gf/example/metric/basic",
                "Version": "v1.0",
                "SchemaURL": ""
            "Metrics": [
                    "Name": "goframe.metric.demo.counter",
                    "Description": "This is a simple demo for Counter usage",
                    "Unit": "bytes",
                    "Data": {
                        "DataPoints": [
                                "Attributes": [],
                                "StartTime": "2024-03-25T10:13:19.326977+08:00",
                                "Time": "2024-03-25T10:13:19.327144+08:00",
                                "Value": 11
                        "Temporality": "CumulativeTemporality",
                        "IsMonotonic": true
