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Version: 1.16.x

gen model 命令生成的 model 采用包管理方式维护数据表操作及数据结构定义,一张数据表一个包。

未来不再推荐这种方式,而是推荐使用 dao 的使用方式,具体请参考 gen dao(重点) 命令及 DAO-基本痛点及改进。

gen 命令用以自动化从数据库直接生成采用了 Active Record 设计模式的模型文件。该命令将会根据数据表名生成对应的目录,该目录名称即数据表包名。目录下自动生成3个文件:

  1. 数据表名.go 自定义文件,开发者可以自由定义填充的代码文件,仅会生成一次,每一次模型生成不会覆盖。
  2. 数据表名_entity.go 表结构文件,根据数据表结构生成的结构体定义文件,包含字段注释。数据表在外部变更后,可使用 gen 命令重复生成更新该文件。
  3. 数据表名_model.go 表模型文件,为数据表提供了许多便捷的 CRUD 操作方法,并可直接查询返回该表的结构体对象。数据表在外部变更后,可使用 gen 命令重复生成更新该文件。


进入项目根目录执行 gf gen model 即可。以下为命令行帮助信息。

$ gf gen model -h
gf gen model [OPTION]

-/--path directory path for generated files.
-l, --link database configuration, the same as the ORM configuration of GoFrame.
-t, --tables generate models only for given tables, multiple table names separated with ','
-g, --group specifying the configuration group name for database,
it's not necessary and the default value is "default"
-c, --config used to specify the configuration file for database, it's commonly not necessary.
If "-l" is not passed, it will search "./config.toml" and "./config/config.toml"
in current working directory in default.
-p, --prefix add prefix for all table of specified link/database tables.
-r, --removePrefix remove specified prefix of the table, multiple prefix separated with ','
-m, --mod module name for generated golang file imports.

Options are also supported by configuration file. The configuration node name is "gf.gen", which also supports
multiple databases, for example:
link = "mysql:root:12345678@tcp("
tables = "order,products"
link = "mysql:root:12345678@tcp("
path = "./my-app"
prefix = "primary_"
tables = "user, userDetail"

gf gen model
gf gen model -l "mysql:root:12345678@tcp("
gf gen model -path ./model -c config.yaml -g user-center -t user,user_detail,user_login
gf gen model -r user_

The "gen" command is designed for multiple generating purposes.
It's currently supporting generating go files for ORM models.
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