
$ gf pack -h
    gf pack SRC DST

    SRC    source path for packing, which can be multiple source paths.
    DST    destination file path for packed file. if extension of the filename is ".go" and "-n" option is given,
           it enables packing SRC to go file, or else it packs SRC into a binary file.

    -n, --name       package name for output go file, it's set as its directory name if no name passed
    -p, --prefix     prefix for each file packed into the resource file
    -k, --keepPath   keep the source path from system to resource file, usually for relative path
    -h, --help       more information about this command

    gf pack public data.bin
    gf pack public,template data.bin
    gf pack public,template packed/data.go
    gf pack public,template,config packed/data.go
    gf pack public,template,config packed/data.go -n=packed -p=/var/www/my-app
    gf pack /var/www/public packed/data.go -n=packed

该命令用以将任意的文件打包为资源文件或者Go代码文件,可将任意文件打包后随着可执行文件一同发布。此外,在build命令中支持打包+编译一步进行,具体请查看build命令帮助信息。关于资源管理的介绍请参考 资源管理 章节。


$ gf pack public,template packed/data.go
$ ll packed                             
total 184
-rw-r--r--  1 john  staff    89K Dec 31 00:44 data.go


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  • ラベルがありません

7 コメント

  1. windows 执行“gf pack resource,manifest/config packed/build_pack_data.go”  提示 “ DST path 'manifest/config' cannot be a directory   ”怎么回事?  多个目录打包不行吗?

    CLI Built Detail:
      Go Version:  go1.17.7
      GF Version:  v2.0.6
      Git Commit:  2022-03-31 16:57:32 66803fd6641e31c60f0489180668243ea092b87b
      Build Time:  2022-03-31 16:55:38

    1. 试了没有问题,你是不是敲的时候多了个空格?

  2. 没看懂这个命令到底要干什么,博主的文档实在难以理解。

    1. 例如把配置文件打包进二进制文件中

    2. js/css/image这些文件打包到二进制文件中,最终交付的时候只有一个二进制文件。