
Hook 特性允许我们对特性的 Model 绑定 CRUD 钩子处理。


相关 Hook 函数:

type (
HookFuncSelect func(ctx context.Context, in *HookSelectInput) (result Result, err error)
HookFuncInsert func(ctx context.Context, in *HookInsertInput) (result sql.Result, err error)
HookFuncUpdate func(ctx context.Context, in *HookUpdateInput) (result sql.Result, err error)
HookFuncDelete func(ctx context.Context, in *HookDeleteInput) (result sql.Result, err error)

// HookHandler manages all supported hook functions for Model.
type HookHandler struct {
Select HookFuncSelect
Insert HookFuncInsert
Update HookFuncUpdate
Delete HookFuncDelete

Hook 注册方法:

// Hook sets the hook functions for current model.
func (m *Model) Hook(hook HookHandler) *Model


查询 birth_day 字段时,同时计算出当前用户的年龄:

// Hook function definition.
var hook = gdb.HookHandler{
Select: func(ctx context.Context, in *gdb.HookSelectInput) (result gdb.Result, err error) {
result, err = in.Next(ctx)
if err != nil {
for i, record := range result {
if !record["birth_day"].IsEmpty() {
age := gtime.Now().Sub(record["birth_day"].GTime()).Hours() / 24 / 365
record["age"] = gvar.New(age)
result[i] = record
// It registers hook function, creates and returns a new `model`.
model := g.Model("user").Hook(hook)

// The hook function takes effect on each ORM operation when using the `model`.
all, err := model.Where("status", "online").OrderAsc(`id`).All()
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