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Version: 2.8.x

📄️ v1.15 2020-12-31

GoFrame v1.15 version offers a series of new features and improvements, providing efficient and modular framework support for enterprise-level Golang development. This update covers various aspects such as HTTP client improvements, database ORM feature enhancements, and error code support. With high code quality, comprehensive development documentation, and active community support, GoFrame provides a convenient project development environment for developers and is widely used in various internet companies.

📄️ v1.10 2019-12-05

The GoFrame framework releases version v1.10, bringing several new features and improvements for developers. This update includes optimizations in middleware and routing implementation in WebServer, addition of file configuration management, multiple session storage implementations, log component singleton object, JSON data format support, guuid module for UUID generation, along with performance improvements in various modules such as database, network, and containers, further enhancing operational efficiency and development experience.

📄️ v1.6 2019-04-09

Version 1.6 brings several features and improvements, including the operation log record for the gcron scheduled task module, global group configuration for the gredis module, optimization of default configuration file retrieval paths for the gcfg and gview modules, CORS support for the ghttp module, TLSConfig configuration, and the new chaining operation methods for the gdb module. Several issues regarding resource competition and conversion failures in various modules have been fixed, significantly enhancing the system's stability and security.

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