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Version: 2.8.x

GoFrame is open-source, free software, which means anyone can contribute to its development and progress. The project's source code is currently hosted on both GitHub (primary repository) and gitee (domestic) platforms, with both repositories kept in real-time synchronization. Code contributions are unified through the primary GitHub repository. We warmly welcome more friends to join in the development of the GoFrame framework, and any contributions you make will be recorded in the annals of GoFrame.

Contributions can generally be divided into two categories: code contribution and documentation contribution.

1. Code Contribution

1. Where to Find Tasks

In the main repository’s issues, there are many issues labeled with help wanted, eagerly awaiting contributions from community members: Click here for the address

2. Code Contribution Process

  1. First, fork the repository code to your own repository.
  2. Create a new development branch in your repository, make changes to the code, and submit the changes to your repository.
  3. Create a pull request in your repository, selecting your development branch as the source branch and the primary repository's master branch as the target branch:
  4. Submit the pull request, then wait for the project developers to do a code review on the submission. If the pull request is not reviewed for a long time, you can actively follow up and request a code review from team members. Once approved, you will become a member of the GoFrame framework.
  5. Congratulations, your name will be permanently recorded in the list of contributors to the GoFrame framework source code.

3. Code Collaboration Conventions

  1. All source code files, types, and methods should have detailed comments.
  2. Explanation of implementation ideas is needed for sections with complex logic.
  3. All comments should be written in English, not in Chinese.
  4. New features/modules must have unit tests, with coverage exceeding 80%.

2. Documentation Contribution

1. Improving the Official Website

The documentation of the GoFrame framework is mainly concentrated in the gf-site repository, address:

While reading the documentation, if you find areas that are not quite complete, you can click to edit the page to help improve it. This is especially true for examples on how to use components and functions, which can often be supplemented.

2. Blogs and Video Tutorials

Community members can write articles or record videos to share, making it easier for other community members to find your share through search engines, facilitating mutual learning, and promoting open-source projects.

Please keep the framework name keyword unified as GoFrame in the articles, and do not use abbreviations.

3. Other Assistance

Any help can be requested by contacting WeChat 389961817. I will provide the necessary guidance and assistance.
