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Version: 2.8.x(Latest)

📄️ 2.4 Business Optimization

Problems and optimization solutions in the registration process, including interface parameter validation, prohibiting duplicate usernames, password encryption methods, and function parameter optimization. Use the GoFrame framework for parameter validation, including basic username and password verification, and implement multilingual support with i18n. By setting unique database indexes, ensure user uniqueness and use MD5 encryption to protect password security, enhancing system security and usability.

📄️ 2.5 API Documentation

Providing interface documentation to the frontend using built-in features of the GoFrame framework. Developers can automatically generate detailed interface documentation by adding specific tags to the interface code. The documentation can be accessed via the Swagger browser or interfaced with other API tools in JSON format, saving developers time and effort. Common OpenAPI tags and their purposes are listed to help developers better organize and manage interface information.

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