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Version: 2.8.x(Latest)

Driver Introduction🔥

To decouple the database drivers from the main framework library, starting from version v2.1, all database drivers need to be introduced manually through community packages.

For database driver installation and introduction, please refer to:


The ORM functionality of the GoFrame framework is implemented by the gdb module, used for ORM operations of common relational databases.


The gdb database engine uses a connection pool design at the bottom layer, and connections will automatically close when not in use, so there is no need to explicitly use the Close method to close the database connection when the connection object is no longer needed.


Note: To improve the security of database operations, it is not recommended to directly concatenate parameters into an SQL string for execution in ORM operations. It is recommended to use preprocessing (utilizing ? placeholders extensively) to pass SQL parameters. The bottom layer of gdb is implemented using preprocessing to handle the parameters passed by developers, ensuring the safety of database operations.

Interface Documentation:


The GoFrame ORM component has the following notable features:

  1. Fully automated support for nested transactions.
  2. Interface-oriented design, easy to use and extend.
  3. Built-in support for mainstream database types and drivers, and easy to extend.
  4. Powerful configuration management using the framework's unified configuration component.
  5. Supports singleton mode to obtain database objects of the same configuration group.
  6. Supports two operation methods: native SQL method operations and ORM chain operations.
  7. Supports OpenTelemetry observability: trace tracing, logging, and metric reporting.
  8. Automatically recognizes Map/Struct to receive query results through the Scan method, automating query result initialization and struct type conversion.
  9. Recognizes empty results by returning nil, without the need for sql.ErrNoRows to identify empty query results.
  10. Fully automated struct property-field mapping, without needing to explicitly define struct tags to maintain property-field mapping relationships.
  11. Automates field recognition and filtering of given Map/Struct/Slice parameter types, greatly enhancing query condition input and result reception.
  12. Perfectly supports DAO design at the GoFrame framework layer, fully automated Model/DAO code generation, significantly improving development efficiency.
  13. Supports debugging modes, log output, DryRun, custom Handler, automatic type conversion, custom interface conversion, and other advanced features.
  14. Supports query caching, soft delete, automatic time updates, model associations, database cluster configurations (software master-slave mode), and other practical features.

g.DB vs gdb.New & gdb.Instance

There are three ways to obtain database operation objects: using the g.DB method (recommended), using the native gdb.New method, and using the package's native singleton method gdb.Instance, with the first being the recommended usage. The differences between these three methods are as follows:

  1. The g.DB object management method obtains a singleton object, integrating the management features of the configuration file and supporting hot updates of configuration files.
  2. gdb.New creates a new database object (not a singleton) based on the given database node configuration and cannot use configuration files.
  3. gdb.Instance is the package's native singleton management method, which needs to be used together with the configuration method to obtain the database singleton object for the corresponding configuration by group name (not required).

There are so many ways to obtain objects because GoFrame is a modular design framework, and each module can be used independently.

Creating a Database Object with New

db, err := gdb.New(gdb.ConfigNode{
Link: "mysql:root:12345678@tcp(",

Obtaining the Database Object Singleton

// Obtain the database object with default configuration (configuration name "default")
db := g.DB()

// Obtain the database object of the configuration group named "user"
db := g.DB("user")

// Obtain the database object singleton using the native singleton management method
db, err := gdb.Instance()
db, err := gdb.Instance("user")


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