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Version: 2.8.x

Features of the Template Engine

  1. Simple, easy to use, powerful;
  2. Supports multiple template directory searches;
  3. Supports layout template design;
  4. Supports singleton mode for template view objects;
  5. Natively integrated with the configuration management module, easy to use;
  6. Utilizes a two-level cache design at the core, offering high performance;
  7. Adds new template tags and numerous built-in template variables and functions;
  8. Supports automatic cache update mechanism upon template file modification, which is more developer-friendly;
  9. define/template tags support cross-template invocation (including template files under the same template path with subdirectories);
  10. include tag supports importing template files from any path;

General View Management

General view management involves using the native template engine gview module to implement template management, including template reading and display, template variable rendering, etc. You can use the method gview.Instance to obtain a view singleton object and retrieve it according to the singleton object name. You can also obtain the default singleton gview object through the object manager g.View().

Interface Documentation:

Brief Explanation:

  1. gview.Get is used to obtain the corresponding singleton template engine object based on a given template directory path;
  2. gview.New can also create a template engine object based on the given template directory path but without singleton management;
  3. SetPath/AddPath is used to set/add the template directory path of the current template engine object, where SetPath will overwrite all template directory settings, and AddPath is recommended;
  4. Assign/Assigns is used to set template variables, and all templates parsed by the template engine can use these template variables;
  5. BindFunc is used to bind template functions; for detailed usage, refer to subsequent examples;
  6. Parse/ParseContent is used to parse template files/content, allowing for temporary template variables and template functions to be given during parsing;
  7. SetDelimiters is used to set the template parsing delimiters of the template engine object, defaulting to {{ }} (conflicts with the vuejs front-end framework);

Note: Starting with goframe v1.16, all template parsing methods have an additional first input parameter which is the Context.

Example 1: Parsing a Template File


id:{{.id}}, name:{{.name}}


package main

import (

func main() {
s := g.Server()
s.BindHandler("/template", func(r *ghttp.Request) {
r.Response.WriteTpl("index.tpl", g.Map{
"id": 123,
"name": "john",

After execution, visiting will show the parsed content as: id:123, name:john

Example 2: Parsing Template Content

package main

import (

func main() {
s := g.Server()
s.BindHandler("/template", func(r *ghttp.Request){
tplContent := `id:{{.id}}, name:{{.name}}`
r.Response.WriteTplContent(tplContent, g.Map{
"id" : 123,
"name" : "john",

After execution, visiting will show the parsed content as: id:123, name:john

Example 3: Custom Template Delimiters

In projects, we often encounter a conflict between Golang default template variable delimiters and Vue variable delimiters (both use {{ }}). We can use the SetDelimiters method to customize the global Golang template variable delimiters:

// main.go
package main

import (

func main() {
v := g.View()
v.SetDelimiters("${", "}")
b, err := v.Parse(
"k": "v",
<!-- gview_delimiters.tpl -->
test.tpl content, vars: ${.}

After execution, the resulting output is:

test.tpl content, vars: map[k:v]

Directory Configuration Method

The GoFrame framework's template engine supports a highly flexible multi-directory auto-search function. The SetPath can modify the template directory to a single directory address. Additionally, the AddPath method can add multiple search directories, and the template engine will prioritize the added directories according to the order they were added, performing automatic retrieval. It searches until it finds a matching file path. If no template file is found in all search directories, it returns failure.

Default Directory Configuration:

When initializing the gview view object, the following template file search directories are automatically added by default:

  1. The current working directory and its template subdirectory: For example, if the current working directory is /home/www, /home/www and /home/www/template will be added;
  2. The directory where the current executable is located and its template subdirectory: For example, if the binary file is located in /tmp, /tmp and /tmp/template will be added;
  3. The directory where the main source code package is located and its template subdirectory (effective only in the source code development environment): For example, if the main package is located in /home/john/workspace/gf-app, /home/john/workspace/gf-app and /home/john/workspace/gf-app/template will be added;

Modifying the Template Directory

The view object's template file search directory can be modified in the following ways. The view object will only perform configuration file retrieval in the specified directory:

  1. (Recommended) Retrieve the global View object in singleton mode and modify it via the SetPath method;
  2. Modify command line start parameters - gf.gview.path;
  3. Modify specified environment variables - GF_GVIEW_PATH;

For example, if our executable file is main, the template engine's template directory can be modified in the following ways on Linux:

  1. (Recommended) Through singleton mode
  1. Via command line parameters
./main --gf.gview.path=/opt/template/
  1. Via environment variables
    • Modify the environment variable at startup:

      GF_GVIEW_PATH=/opt/config/; ./main
    • Use the genv module to modify the environment variable:

      genv.Set("GF_GVIEW_PATH", "/opt/template")

Automatic Update Detection

The template engine uses a carefully designed cache mechanism. When a template file is first read, it is cached in memory, and future reads will directly access the cache to improve execution efficiency. Additionally, the template engine provides an automatic update detection mechanism for template files. When a template file is modified externally, the template engine can promptly detect it and refresh the cache content of the template file.


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