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Version: 2.8.x


Hello, community friends!

As the main features of the GoFrame framework become more complete and stable, future efforts will focus on promoting community contributions.

As of 2022-05-17, there are over 1K open source projects using the GoFrame framework on GitHub, and 89 people have contributed to the GoFrame project. Some have become continuous contributors. As the team of contributors grows, our open source project becomes more powerful, stable, open, and vibrant.

Sharing Topics

GoFrame Contribution Guide

First, in this sharing session, we will mainly introduce how to contribute to GoFrame and what GoFrame needs.

Introduction to the Open Source Star-Snatching Event

Secondly, we will introduce the Open Source Star-Snatching Event organized by Tengsource, to show everyone how to earn points rewards in the event while providing urgently needed contributions to GoFrame.

Usage Q&A Session

Finally, we also reserve ample Q&A time, during which you can ask questions you have encountered during use in the meeting.

Guo Qiang invites you to join the Tencent Meeting

Meeting Topic: GoFrame Contribution Guide & Q&A

Meeting Time: 2022/05/17 20:00-22:00 (GMT+08:00) China Standard Time - Beijing

Click the link to join the meeting or add it to the meeting list:

#TencentMeeting: 718-825-328

Copy this information and open the Tencent Meeting app to participate.