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Version: 2.8.x

The Web Server module is a core component of GoFrame, a comprehensive modular framework. We'll start our journey with web service development, as it's an excellent way to introduce the framework's capabilities.

Hello World

Let's create a simple web server:

package main

import (

func main() {
s := g.Server()
s.BindHandler("/", func(r *ghttp.Request) {
r.Response.Write("Hello World!")

Let's break down this code:

  • The g.Server() method returns a default Server object implemented as a singleton. This means multiple calls return the same instance. The g package is a convenience wrapper that initializes and provides access to commonly used components.
  • Routes and their handlers are registered using the Server object's BindHandler method. In this example, we've mapped the root path / to a handler that returns "Hello World".
  • The handler function receives a *ghttp.Request parameter (r) containing the current request's context. Here, we use r.Response.Write to send our response.
  • The SetPort method configures the server's listening port (8000 in this case). If not specified, a random port is assigned.
  • Finally, the Run() method starts the server and blocks until the program is terminated.

Running the Server

When you run the program, you'll see output similar to this in your terminal:

$ go run main.go
2024-10-27 21:30:39.412 [INFO] pid[58889]: http server started listening on [:8000]
2024-10-27 21:30:39.412 [INFO] {08a0b0086e5202184111100658330800} openapi specification is disabled

:8000 | ALL | / | main.main.func1 |

The output provides several key pieces of information:

  • Process ID (58889) and listening address (:8000, which means the server is listening on all local IP addresses on port 8000)
  • A notice about OpenAPI specification being disabled (the framework includes automatic API documentation generation, which we'll cover in detail later)
  • A routing table showing:
    • ADDRESS: The listening address for each route. Note that a single process can host multiple Server instances, each with its own address
    • METHOD: The HTTP methods the route handles (ALL means it accepts any method: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.)
    • ROUTE: The URL path pattern
    • HANDLER: The route's callback function name (shown as main.main.func1 since we used an anonymous function)
    • MIDDLEWARE: Any middleware attached to the route (we'll cover middleware, a powerful request interceptor feature, in later chapters)

Visit in your browser to see the result:


What's Next

Great job! You've just created your first web server with GoFrame!

In the next section, we'll explore how to handle client-submitted data in your web server.

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