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Version: 2.8.x(Latest)

Editing a word uses the PUT method, which represents updating a resource.

Add Api


type UpdateReq struct {  
g.Meta `path:"words/{id}" method:"put" sm:"Update" tags:"Word"`
Id uint `json:"id" v:"required"`
Word string `json:"word" v:"required|length:1,100" dc:"Word"`
Definition string `json:"definition" v:"required|length:1,300" dc:"Word Definition"`
ExampleSentence string `json:"example_sentence" v:"required|length:1,300" dc:"Example Sentence"`
ChineseTranslation string `json:"chinese_translation" v:"required|length:1,300" dc:"Chinese Translation"`
Pronunciation string `json:"pronunciation" v:"required|length:1,100" dc:"Pronunciation"`
ProficiencyLevel uint `json:"proficiency_level" v:"required|between:1,5" dc:"Proficiency Level, 1 minimum, 5 maximum"`

type UpdateRes struct {

Implement Logic

During editing, we also need to check if the word is unique. The existing checkWord function is not sufficient, as it checks including itself, so we need to improve it:

  • Add an id field; when the id is not 0, use the combination of id and word for judgment;
  • When id is 0, it represents a new addition, and only word is used for judgment.


package words


func (w *Words) Create(ctx context.Context, in *model.WordInput) error {
if err := w.checkWord(ctx, 0, in); err != nil {
return err

// checkWord does not check itself during an update
func (w *Words) checkWord(ctx context.Context, id uint, in *model.WordInput) error {
db := dao.Words.Ctx(ctx).Where("uid", in.Uid).Where("word", in.Word)
if id > 0 {
db = db.WhereNot("id", id)
count, err := db.Count()
if err != nil {
return err
if count > 0 {
return gerror.New("Word already exists")
return nil

Add the update logic:


package words  


func (w *Words) Update(ctx context.Context, id uint, in *model.WordInput) error {
if err := w.checkWord(ctx, id, in); err != nil {
return err

db := dao.Words.Ctx(ctx).Where("uid", in.Uid).Data(do.Words{
Word: in.Word,
Definition: in.Definition,
ExampleSentence: in.ExampleSentence,
ChineseTranslation: in.ChineseTranslation,
Pronunciation: in.Pronunciation,
ProficiencyLevel: in.ProficiencyLevel,
}).Where("id", id)
if in.Uid > 0 {
db = db.Where("uid", in.Uid)

_, err := db.Update()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil


When Uid is greater than zero, the Uid condition must be added to the ORM chain to prevent unauthorized access, the same applies to subsequent query and delete actions.

Controller Calls Logic


package words  

import (


func (c *ControllerV1) Update(ctx context.Context, req *v1.UpdateReq) (res *v1.UpdateRes, err error) {
uid, err := c.users.GetUid(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = c.words.Update(ctx, req.Id, &model.WordInput{
Uid: uid,
Word: req.Word,
Definition: req.Definition,
ExampleSentence: req.ExampleSentence,
ChineseTranslation: req.ChineseTranslation,
Pronunciation: req.Pronunciation,
ProficiencyLevel: model.ProficiencyLevel(req.ProficiencyLevel),
return nil, err

API Test

$ curl -X PUT \
-H "Authorization: eyJhbGci...5U" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"word": "example_update",
"definition": "A representative form or pattern.",
"example_sentence": "This is an example sentence.",
"chinese_translation": "例子",
"pronunciation": "ɪɡˈzɑːmp(ə)l",
"proficiency_level": 3

"code": 0,
"message": "",
"data": null

Execute the command to check if the data has been updated correctly:

$ SELECT * FROM words;
11example_updateA representative form or pattern.This is an example sentence.例子ɪɡˈzɑːmp(ə)l32024/11/12 15:38:502024/11/12 15:38:50
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