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Version: 2.8.x


$ gf pack -h
gf pack SRC DST

SRC source path for packing, which can be multiple source paths.
DST destination file path for packed file. if extension of the filename is ".go" and "-n" option is given,
it enables packing SRC to go file, or else it packs SRC into a binary file.

-n, --name package name for output go file, it's set as its directory name if no name passed
-p, --prefix prefix for each file packed into the resource file
-k, --keepPath keep the source path from system to resource file, usually for relative path
-h, --help more information about this command

gf pack public data.bin
gf pack public,template data.bin
gf pack public,template packed/data.go
gf pack public,template,config packed/data.go
gf pack public,template,config packed/data.go -n=packed -p=/var/www/my-app
gf pack /var/www/public packed/data.go -n=packed

This command is used to package any file into a resource file or a Go code file, allowing any file to be packaged and distributed along with the executable file. Additionally, the build command supports packaging and compiling in one step; please refer to the build command help for details. For an introduction to resource management, please refer to the Resource section.


$ gf pack public,template packed/data.go
$ ll packed
total 184
-rw-r--r-- 1 john staff 89K Dec 31 00:44 data.go

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