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Version: 2.8.x


  • gf -v
  • gf version

Used to check the version information compiled at the current gf command line tool.

Usage Example

>= v2.5.7

$ gf version
Welcome to GoFrame!
Env Detail:
Go Version: go1.22.2 linux/amd64
GF Version(go.mod):
CLI Detail:
Installed At: /data/home/v_hlaghuang/go/bin/gf
Built Go Version: go1.20.8
Built GF Version: v2.7.2
Git Commit: 2024-06-26 10:08:04 b11caba5b03ed54fbb1415151f7d62b6d913179d
Built Time: 2024-06-26 10:09:50
Others Detail:
Now : 2024-07-17T15:48:57+08:00

< v2.5.6

$ gf version
GoFrame CLI Tool v2.0.0,
GoFrame Version: v2.0.0-beta.0.20211214160159-19c9f0a48845 in current go.mod
CLI Installed At: /Users/john/Workspace/Go/GOPATH/src/
CLI Built Detail:
Go Version: go1.16.3
GF Version: v2.0.0-beta
Git Commit: 2021-12-15 22:43:12 7884058b5df346d34ebab035224e415afb556c19
Build Time: 2021-12-15 23:00:43


The version information printed automatically detects the GoFrame version used by the current project (automatically parses go.mod) and prints it as GoFrame Version.

The CLI Built Detail information displays various Golang version and GoFrame version information used at the time of the current binary compilation, the Git commit version at the time of compilation, and the compilation time of the current binary file.


Please do not confuse the GoFrame Version with the GF Version in the CLI Built Detail.

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