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Version: 2.8.x


SignalValueDefault ActionMeaning (Reason for Signal)
SIGHUP1TermHangup of terminal or process death
SIGINT2TermInterrupt signal from keyboard
SIGQUIT3CoreQuit signal from keyboard
SIGILL4CoreIllegal instruction
SIGABRT6CoreAbort exception signal
SIGFPE8CoreFloating-point exception
SIGSEGV11CoreInvalid memory reference (segmentation fault)
SIGPIPE13TermBroken pipe: write to pipe with no readers
SIGALRM14TermTimer signal from alarm
SIGUSR130,10,16TermUser-defined signal 1
SIGUSR231,12,17TermUser-defined signal 2
SIGCHLD20,17,18IgnChild process stopped or terminated
SIGCONT19,18,25ContContinue if stopped
SIGSTOP17,19,23StopStop signal not from terminal
SIGTSTP18,20,24StopStop signal from terminal
SIGTTIN21,21,26StopBackground process attempting read
SIGTTOU22,22,27StopBackground process attempting write
SIGBUS10,7,10CoreBus error (memory access error)
SIGPOLLTermPollable event (Sys V), synonym for SIGIO
SIGPROF27,27,29TermProfiling timer expired
SIGSYS12,-,12CoreBad system call (SVr4)
SIGTRAP5CoreTrace/breakpoint trap
SIGURG16,23,21IgnUrgent condition on socket (4.2BSD)
SIGVTALRM26,26,28TermVirtual timer expired (4.2BSD)
SIGXCPU24,24,30CoreCPU time limit exceeded (4.2BSD)
SIGXFSZ25,25,31CoreFile size limit exceeded (4.2BSD)
SIGIOT6CoreIOT trap, synonym for SIGABRT
SIGSTKFLT-,16,-TermCoprocessor stack fault (unused)
SIGIO23,29,22TermI/O possible on descriptor
SIGCLD-,-,18IgnSynonym for SIGCHLD
SIGPWR29,30,19TermPower failure/restart (System V)
SIGINFO29,-,-Synonym for SIGPWR
SIGLOST-,-,-TermFile lock lost
SIGWINCH28,28,20IgnWindow size change (4.3BSD, Sun)
SIGUNUSED-,31,-TermUnused signal (will be SIGSYS)


SIGABRTAbnormal termination
SIGFPEArithmetic error
SIGILLIllegal instruction
SIGINTCtrl+C signal
SIGSEGVIllegal storage access
SIGTERMTermination request