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Version: 2.8.x


The GoFrame framework offers a powerful and easy-to-use HTTP client, implemented by the gclient component. Object creation can be done through the package method gclient.New() or by calling the g.Client() method. It is recommended to use g.Client() to conveniently create an HTTP client object. Since gclient.Client is internally extended from the standard library's http.Client object, any features present in http.Client are also supported by gclient.Client.

Method List:

Brief Explanation:

  1. You can use New to create a custom HTTP client object Client, which can then be used to execute requests. This object employs a connection pool design internally, so it does not have a Close method. An HTTP client object can also be created via the g.Client() shortcut method.
  2. The client provides a series of methods named after HTTP Methods. Invoking these methods will initiate the corresponding HTTP Method requests. The commonly used methods are Get and Post, while DoRequest is the core request method that users can call to implement custom HTTP Method requests.
  3. The result of the request is a *ClientResponse object. You can obtain the corresponding return results through this object. The ReadAll/ReadAllString methods can be used to obtain the returned content. After use, this object needs to be closed through the Close method to prevent memory overflow.
  4. The *Bytes method is used to obtain the binary data returned by the server. If the request fails, it returns nil; the *Content method is used to request string result data. If the request fails, it returns an empty string; the Set* method is for setting parameters of the Client.
  5. The *Var method directly requests and retrieves HTTP API results as a generic type for easy conversion. If the request fails or the request result is empty, an empty g.Var generic object is returned, which does not affect the invocation of conversion methods.
  6. As can be seen, the data parameter data for the client's request parameters is of the interface{} type, meaning any data type can be passed. Common parameter data types are string/map. If the parameter is of map type, the parameter value will be automatically urlencode encoded.

Please use the given methods to create a Client object, and do not use new(ghttp.Client) or &ghttp.Client{} to create a client object, otherwise, hmm.

Chain Operations

The client in the GoFrame framework supports convenient chain operations. The commonly used methods are as follows (the document method list may lag behind the source code, so it is recommended to check the API documentation or source code

func (c *Client) Timeout(t time.Duration) *Client
func (c *Client) Cookie(m map[string]string) *Client
func (c *Client) Header(m map[string]string) *Client
func (c *Client) HeaderRaw(headers string) *Client
func (c *Client) ContentType(contentType string) *Client
func (c *Client) ContentJson() *Client
func (c *Client) ContentXml() *Client
func (c *Client) BasicAuth(user, pass string) *Client
func (c *Client) Retry(retryCount int, retryInterval time.Duration) *Client
func (c *Client) Prefix(prefix string) *Client
func (c *Client) Proxy(proxyURL string) *Client
func (c *Client) RedirectLimit(redirectLimit int) *Client
func (c *Client) Dump(dump ...bool) *Client
func (c *Client) Use(handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Client

Brief Explanation:

  1. The Timeout method is used to set the current request timeout.
  2. The Cookie method is used to set custom Cookie information for the current request.
  3. The Header* methods are used to set custom Header information for the current request.
  4. The Content* methods are used to set the Content-Type information for the current request, and they support automatically checking submitted parameters and encoding according to this information.
  5. The BasicAuth method is used to set the HTTP Basic Auth validation information.
  6. The Retry method is used to set the number of retries and retry interval after a request failure.
  7. The Proxy method is used to set up an http access proxy.
  8. The RedirectLimit method is used to limit the number of redirect hops.

Return Objects

gclient.Response is the corresponding return result object of an HTTP request, which inherits from http.Response and can use all methods of http.Response. It also adds the following methods:

func (r *Response) GetCookie(key string) string
func (r *Response) GetCookieMap() map[string]string
func (r *Response) Raw() string
func (r *Response) RawDump()
func (r *Response) RawRequest() string
func (r *Response) RawResponse() string
func (r *Response) ReadAll() []byte
func (r *Response) ReadAllString() string
func (r *Response) Close() error

It should be noted that Response requires a manual call to the Close method to close it. This means that regardless of whether you use the returned Response object or not, you need to assign this return object to a variable and manually call its Close method for closure (often using defer r.Close()), otherwise, it will cause file handle overflow and memory overflow.

Important Notes

  1. The ghttp client defaults to disabling the KeepAlive feature and the verification function for the server's TLS certificate. If you need to enable it, you can customize the client's Transport attribute.
  2. These advanced functions such as Connection Pool Parameter Setting and Connection Proxy Settings can also be achieved by customizing the client's Transport attribute. This data inherits from the standard library's http.Transport object.
