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Version: 2.8.x

📄️ Graceful Restart

Enable and manage graceful restart features while using the GoFrame framework. This feature allows the WebServer to update or restart without interrupting existing requests, improving service stability and user experience. It supports graceful restart on *nix systems and complete restart on Windows systems, and provides management methods via web and command line. It also demonstrates specific usage examples, including basic usage, HTTPS support, and smooth management in multi-service and multi-port scenarios.

📄️ HOOK Callbacks

The HOOK event callback function provided by the ghttp.Server in the GoFrame framework, similar to middleware, allows custom event listening and handling. Event callbacks can be registered in a specific order to determine the callback invocation priority. This document provides a detailed explanation of the usage, application in API authentication control, cross-origin request handling, and showcases with example code the execution method and priority mechanism of event callbacks.

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